
Selected reports, articles, links and videos on on the topic of healthy aging.

Fit for Life’s mission is grounded in sound empirical research, carried out by leading foundations, international organisations and universities.

Please note that these links are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement.

Selected reports & data

Selected initiatives & networks

Selected videos and podcasts

National Institute On Aging - Go4Life campaign

The National Institute on Aging channel offers a collection of 12 workout videos designed for older adults, as well as information on diseases of age such as Alzeimer’s and sarcopenia.

The Healthspan Imperative

This short film from the Alliance for Aging Research (USA) sums up the causes and challenges of increased longevity, and argues for investment in research to better understand the aging process and to extend healthy lifespan.

Age is Relative

“What do you want to be doing when you’re 70, 80 or 100? Living independently and enjoying life? Then make exercise part of your daily routine – starting right now!” Jack Lowe, Champion of the Fit for Life Foundation philosophy and author of the book “Get Fit for Life”.

Walking the Talk on NCDs - NDC Alliance

A concise overview of the causes and challenges of reducing the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) globally. NCDs are currently the #1 cause of death and disability in the world, and the burden is disproportionately severe in low- and middle-income countries.

The brain-changing benefits of exercise

What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! says neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. Get inspired to go to the gym as Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory, and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

Embracing elderhood as a stage of life with Louise Aronson

Dr Aronson is a practicing geriatrician and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the founding director of the AGE SELF CARE program and the Integrative Aging clinical practice at UCSF, and the author of the non-fiction bestseller and Pulitzer Prize finalist Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, and Reimagining Life.

Selected articles