Exercise Videos

This is how Jack, in his eighties, keeps in shape.

Jack Lowe, Champion of the Fit for Life Philosophy

Hello Everyone,

I decided to present my daily exercise routine as an appendix to my book "Get Fit for Life: My Journey with Health, Fitness, and Aging”.

Each person who wants to keep fit needs to determine which exercises he/she should do. The routine presented here is my own personal example and not necessarily yours to follow, as I developed it with a therapist for my many rehabilitations after sporting accidents and for maintaining my form.

This is just to show you that in 40 minutes a day you can be very fit, flexible and mobile. Combine this with aerobic and resistance exercises 3 times a week, and the program is complete.

My daily routine starts at 7 a.m. with 40 minutes of floor exercises without weights or machines.

It is important to note that morning exercise wakes up the body for the rest of the day, "lubricates the joints", and eliminates stiffness and often pain. Doing these in the evening instead can apparently improve sleep. Your choice.

Jack Lowe, Champion of the Fit for Life philosophy

Important: if you make a false movement or feel sudden pain, do not exercise further and please seek help from your doctor or physical therapist. Should you have trouble executing the exercises that have been given to you in Pilates or Yoga classes for instance, stop and leave those aside until your next contact with your physiotherapist. Whenever you feel a major or uncomfortable shortness of breath, do not push yourself any further. If this persists, see your doctor.

On this page:

Set 1 - Warm-up and stretching

Set 2 - Preparation for back exercises

Set 3 - Back exercises

Set 4 - For fun

Set 5 - Resistance Exercises

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Set 1 - Warm-up and stretching

Exercise 1 - Leg lifts

Exercise 2 - Toe and heel lifts

Exercise 3 - Shoulder stretching

Exercise 4 - Neck stretch

Exercise 5 - Hamstring stretches against wall

Exercise 6 - Arms length stretch

Exercise 7 - Baby couch, leg stretches and kicks

Set 2 - Preparation for back exercises

Exercise 1 - Squats

Exercise 2 - Cyclist leg stretches

Exercise 3 - Spine stretches (seated position)

Exercise 4 - Equilibrium one-foot stances

Set 3 - Back exercises

Exercise 1 - Psoas pull

Exercise 2 - Leg pull, knees bent

Exercise 3 - Hip joint stretch

Exercise 4 - Spine lift

Exercise 5 - Stomach muscle

Exercise 6 - Hamstring with chair

Exercise 7 - Hamstring horizontal and vertical

Exercise 8 - Spine pull

Set 4 - For fun

Exercise 1 - Headstands, baby crouch

Exercise 2 - Push ups

Set 5 - Resistance exercises

Exercise 1 - Wall climb

Exercise 2 - Wall push

Exercise 3 - Counter lift

Exercise 4 - Biceps lift vertical

Exercise 5 - Front, side & 3/4 lift

Exercise 6 - Biceps lift horizontal

Exercise 7 - Overhead lift